Walk Out Burpee
Feet hip distance apart
Lower your hands/torso forward with a hinge to lower into a plank position.
Send your hips back and your bend your knees to lower into a high plank
Lower your chest and chin towards the floor and walk out your feet
Lower into push-up
Step feet back up towards your hands and stand up with an arm raise
Regular Burpee
Feet hip distance apart
Lower your torso and hinge forward to place your hands on the ground
Jump your feet back to a plank position so your body forms a straight line
Lower into a push-up
Jump your feet back up towards your hands using your ABS to move your feet
Raise up to a standing position and raise your arms
Regular Burpee
Feet hip distance apart
Hinge forward and place your hands on the ground jumping your feet back into a plank position
Lower into a push-up
Using your core jump your feet back up by you hands
Raise up and raise your hands up
The main difference is that you walk out your feet into the plank position in a walk out burpee and in a regular burpee you jump your feet out.
The walk out motion uses more range of motion and works the shoulders more.
The regular burpee has you squat more to get into the position for legs to jump backwards. They both provide a full body exercise by combining upper and lower body cardio/strength movements into one exercise.
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