Outfit of the Day

The Caftan dress the quintessential upscale lounge dress from the 1960’s is a huge favorite of mine. So much so I renamed it to call it the “Mummsie” dress.
Visions of huge pool parties, cocktails, cigarette holders and guests names like Mummsie, Bunny, Cookie and Babe come to mind.
This version is slightly different, far more flowing with a bold print make this Mummsie Boho Chic dress more updated to wear in 2023//with a fun over sized fedora hat and low rise cowboys.

The whole outfit is very casual with a hint of sass. Be careful of the casual flowy outfits they easily turn dumpy.
P.S. This dress can be worn as a beach cover up too.
To avoid looking dumpy:
Limit over sized jewelry.
If wearing a hat make sure it isn’t floppy.
Shoes should be high enough to see pop out from under the dress when you walk.

Tap on the brand name to shop.
Hat: Ranch to Table (Elizabeth Poett’s signature hat)
Dress: Grungemama (The Garbet Dress)
Shoes: Grungemama (Masha Beige)
Sunglasses: Amazon Kaliyadi Classic aviators
Happy Shopping!!