By Erin Schindler

My Torrid Love Affair
I don’t like to admit it, I had a very long-term love affair.
I tried to stop.
I tried going cold turkey.
But I couldn’t do it.
I knew it wasn’t good for me. I knew it was only hurting me, but I felt powerless to stop.
My love seemed to call me at all hours. Happy, sad, lonely, it called, and I answered.
His name you wonder?
I quit drinking 29 years ago and that is when my love affair really started. Giving up drinking made me
crave sugar, I was no longer getting it from alcohol. I was 24 years old when I quit drinking and I was
super active and didn’t notice the ill effects of overeating sugar EVERYDAY!
I would eat movie theater boxes of Mikes and Ikes, Starburst, Skittles, you name it. I also LOVED chocolate. Reese’s peanut butter cups were my number one. I was a pharmaceutical rep for many years and I brought candy to clinics, so I had a never ending supply. If I felt a little tired during the day….I would eat candy for a pick me up!
Fast forward to my 40’s and 50’s, I started to have a better understanding of nutrition and the
deleterious effects of sugar on the body.
I was feeling fatigued a lot.
I was gaining weight.
My skin looked bad.
I had brain fog.
I was also suffering from horrible intestinal problems.
Too much sugar can cause chronic inflammation. It can also lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, weight gain, diabetes and fatty liver disease. It is linked to Alzheimer’s and depression. It is also an addiction!
I have spent 29 years being free of alcohol, I didn’t want that monkey on my back any longer. So, I gave up my love over 8 weeks ago.

How’s it going?
Well, I won’t lie, change is hard. But I came at it deciding that I wasn’t giving something
up, I was trading it for a healthier lifestyle. I am focusing on what is on the other side of sugar. I have
days where I want a cookie or a piece of cake, then I remember why I am doing it. I still eat fruit. Fruit
has natural sugar, but it also has fiber which processed foods, cakes, cookies and candies do not. I also
add fruit to my water to give it a bit if sweetness. My go to at night is herbal tea.
How do I feel?
I am sleeping better.
My skins looks better.
I have more energy.
I actually drink less caffeine.
In the last 8 weeks I have lost 4 pounds. I have less brain fog. I feel sharper. I feel less depressed, which I often get in December and January in the dark and cold Minnesota! My stomach and intestines feel better than they ever have.
In addition, I had all of my labs tested prior to stopping sugar. I am excited to see what they are next time. I know without a doubt that I will see an improvement. So even though it was hard, now that I am on the other side of my love affair, I am quite certain at this time that I will not go back. Does that mean I will never eat sugar again? No. I have had 2 small cheats and thankfully it didn’t have me running back!
I can definitely keep this up.
My love affair with sugar has come to its end.