Coaches Corner

Featuring Jackie Johnson

I’ve coached people for 37 years in the fitness industry from fitness instructing, personal training and coaching~new and seasoned runners to race. 

In the last year I’ve had the good fortune to coach all 3 in a small group setting at Lifetime Fitness in Eden Prairie Minnesota. The training session is called GTX and we spend one hour focusing on weights and treadmill intervals. 

This coaching, along with the other instructing I do at LTF has proven to be incredibly fulfilling to me. As a coach one of my top goals is to inspire and make a positive difference. I feel within this small group setting I’ve helped all of these people enhance their fitness levels and given them confidence towards their fitness goals. 

I want to feature some of the people I train to highlight their hard work, their motivation and the tools they use to achieve their goals week after week. I hope they inspire you as much as they inspire me.

Jackie Johnson~Jack, as I refer to her, is my quiet right hand man. She has stood to the right of me in our Cardio Resistance Class for the last 3 years. She can dance, throw weight around like it is nothing and do just about any body weight exercise I can come with. She is strong, hard working, no BS and all with a good heart and a smile.

Jackie answered a few questions for me~maybe one of those answers inspires YOU!!

How long have you been a Lifetime member?

-Officially since 2006, but I belonged to Northwest Swim and Fitness before it switched to LTF.

What helps motivate you to workout?

-Working out with Liz Berg is fun and motivates me to be a better version of myself! Liz has decades of experience teaching fitness classes and personal training in the weight room. I prioritize my schedule so I can attend her Cardio+Resistance “Disco Friday” class and GTX workouts on the fitness floor. Liz takes time to stretch our bodies and coaches us on correct form to prevent injuries. I’ve become a faster more efficient runner by applying her running and breathing tips. Listening to her motivating words and uplifting music inspires me to workout harder.

What is 1 tip you can offer someone to start working out?

-Just start moving! In the morning when you get up, or when you get home from work, put on your fitness clothes and you will be inclined to move your body.

What sport or activity did you do growing up?

-I didn’t play organized sports, but I was always active (dancing, ice skating, jogging, tennis, biking, speed walking, waitressing, Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons workouts).

What would people be surprised to know about you?

-I’ve spent the last 5 years as a student in Tae Kwon Do martial arts training.

How do you motivate yourself when you don’t want to workout?

-When I’m having a low energy day, or don’t feel up to a strenuous workout I’ll do something low impact. It helps reduce stress in the body, helps me feel more confident, keeps me at a healthy weight, helps me sleep better and keeps me upbeat and joyful.

I feel privileged to be able to do the job I do but even more to be able to train the people I train.



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