Featuring Paige Elliot

I’ve coached people for 37 years in the fitness industry from fitness instructing, personal training and coaching ~ new and seasoned runners to race.
In the last year I’ve had the good fortune to coach all 3 in a small group setting at Lifetime Fitness in Eden Prairie Minnesota. The training session is called GTX and we spend one hour focusing on weights and treadmill intervals.
Some of the people I’ve been honored to train I’ve also featured here on the House of O’Brien so their hard work and determination can be highlighted and hopefully inspire you!!
Paige Elliot~
I’m so lucky to train her and consider a friend of mine. Years ago I was a TAKING a strength class with my sister when this gorgeous lady whisk by us and declared something, very funny, in a southern accent, leaving us laughing our sides off in her wake. She has done that ever since, whisked by saying something funny and then hits a treadmill workout or strength class with gusto and grit. She has become quite the runner so watch out if she decides to run a race.
*How long have you been a member at LTF?
We moved here from Tennessee 20 years ago and joined then with our 4 kids (whom love LTF as well).
*What helps motivate YOU to workout?
The first 40 years of my motivation was selfish now that I’m 51 I’ve had a mind shift on what motivates me to get to the gym. Watching my parents health decline has been motivating to me as well.
*What tip can you offer someone to start working out?
Don’t be intimidated to start. Starting is the hardest part and you will never regret going to the gym.
You WILL regret not going to the gym.
Life is full of enough hard decisions. You deserve it to feel healthy. Every class you go to has someone there that feels the same way. Sometimes I’m still nervous to try a new class formate or something out of my comfort zone but it is always worth it.
*What sport did you grow up doing?
I played tennis, volleyball and participated in POM squad in college at University of Memphis.
*What would people be surprised to know about you?
I worked as National Account manager for Gerber baby foods in Tennessee, then stayed home with my two oldest kids until we moved to the frozen tundra (Minnesota) where I worked for Glaxo SmithKline pharmaceuticals. We then decided to have more kids. We have 4 kids total.
*How do you motivate yourself when you don’t want to workout?
If I’m being honest sometimes I just don’t. I do whatever else might be holding me back, sometimes that is just having a chill day to regroup or catch up with life at home. The KEY to regrouping is then the next day get back at it, which reminds me how much better I feel after I workout. I’m a better wife and Mother which is bonus for my family.
I feel privileged to be able to do the job I do but even more to be able to train the people I train.❤️