This glorious soup recipe comes from the book The 10-Day Detox Diet by Mark Hyman, MD. I've decided to try this detox to eliminate more sugar from my diet. The recipes in the book are terrific but, given I cook all the time, I knew I could make some of these better but not spoil the integrity. This soup is thick, slightly chunky and creamy without cream.
- 2 heads cauliflower, cleaned and chopped into large chunks
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1 medium onion, chopped into large chunks
- 3 cloves garlic, rough chopped
- 1/4 cup cashews, whole
- 2 tbsp sesame seeds or 1 tbsp tahini paste
- 1 avocado, skin off rough cut into large chunks
- 1 tbsp parsley, minced or dry
- 1 large container chicken stock
- Preheat the oven to 400° (use convection if your oven has that feature)Place a ungreased cookie sheet pan in the oven while the oven is preheating.Cut the bottom of both heads of cauliflower and rinse the cauliflower. Cut into large chunks and place in a large bowl. Drizzle a good amount of olive oil over the cauliflower. Salt and pepper the cauliflower and then with a large spoon toss so the olive oil, salt and pepper are coating all the cauliflower. When the oven is ready take the cookie sheet out of the oven and dump the cauliflower unto the sheet pan. Spread the cauliflower evenly on the pan. Place in the oven for 20 minutes.Meanwhile, heat the 3 tbsp of olive oil in large dutch oven or stock pot over medium high heat. Once the oil is heated through (3 minutes) dump in the onion, cashews, sesame seeds, garlic and sautè until the onion and garlic are translucent. Add the roasted cauliflower, avocado, parsley and salt and pepper to taste. Stir until everything is incorporated. Add the chicken broth and stir.With an immersion blender or a standard blender start blending the whole mixture together until it smooth and creamy yet slightly chunky. Note: If you place the mixture in the standard blender do it in batches if the soup is hot and lightly hold the lid of the blender on. If you put a hot mixture in a blender and put the lid on tight the lid could explode.Happy Eating!!

Roasted Cauliflower