Those of you who know me know my usual daily outfit is workout clothing, but when I don’t have that on and I want a quick efficient “go-to” outfit here is my template.
Years ago a friend of mine had a similar outfit on and I thought the it was a perfect daily outfit to wear to just about any place for just about any day of the week.

1st- A Vineyard Vines crew neck t-shirt. The colors of these shirts are vast and Vineyard Vines changes them often with the seasons.
2nd- A pair of cropped jeans. Easy to style with a bumper tennis shoe, clog or an Ann Mashburn buckle shoe. Usually, I wear a belt with what ever jean I use with this outfit. It mankes a simple crop jean pop. Sometimes I use a rolled up scarf for a belt to make the colors pop even more.
3rd- A string of pearls and pearl earrings. It takes the outfit from ordinary to extraordinary. Simple and classic.

Shoes/ Ann Mashburn Buckle Shoe-Tap here to shop
Jeans/ Grungemama-Tap here to shop
Jewlery/ From my collection
Crewneck Tee/ Vineyard Vines-Tap here to shop
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