In 1974 Diane Von Fürstenberg introduced the jersey wrap dress, which immediately became an iconic piece in women fashion. So much so it has been included in the collection of the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of art. By 1976 a million wrap dresses had been sold.
I actually have a vintage DVF wrap dress featured below.

By 1979 DVF brand sold 150 million annually. She has started a number of businesses since her success in the 70’s.
A line of fragrances, cosmetics, and a silk assets collection. In 1997 DVF reintroduced the wrap dress gaining it new popularity. She has such a long line of accolades and accomplishments it is truly inspiring.

Recently Diane Von Fürstenberg collaborated with Target. Bringing high fashion to the masses, with affordable prices thus introducing new customers to the DVF brand. Target benefited by carrying an exclusive brand at reasonable price point. This powerhouse of a woman and the DVF brand just keep going and growing both in America and internationally.

Necklace: Silk Oak Designs-Tap to shop