By Kendall Oberto

Scrabble/ Sweet
This recipe originated with my dear friend’s mom, Toodie who passedaway just this last week. She was a consummate cook andentertainer, and we will miss her beyond measure. Rest in peace mydear friend.This is a snacking favorite that I only dare make at the holidays (lestwe consume it all year). Package it up in cute containers with arecipe card and it makes a wonderful homemade gift.This recipe makes an enormous batch (3 FULL gallon Ziplockbags). If you don’t end up giving it away, Scrabble freezes very wellso just go for it, and you will have enough for the whole holidayseason. Be careful, it can be addicting. See below for a sweetversion of this crunchy wonder
- 6 oz pecan halves
- 6 oz whole cashews
- 4 cups rice chex
- 4 cups crispix
Sweet Sauce
- 2 sticks butter
- 1 cup brown sugar, packed
- 2 tbsp vanilla
- Mix cereal and nuts and lay out in jelly roll pan or sheet pan withsides.Melt butter, brown sugar, and vanilla. Bring to a boil for 1 minute,stirring constantly, remove from heat. Immediately drizzle mixtureover cereal mix and stir gently. Bake in 250-degree oven for 1 hour,stirring every 15 minutes.Happy Eating!!