Hello everyone! I’m excited to share with you a full body resistance workout that is guaranteed to challenge your entire musculature in the best way. This workout focuses on using your own bodyweight along with dumbbells to work all of your major muscle groups in a circuit format. You will move from one exercise to another a little quicker than normal, to keep your heart rate elevated.

3 Rounds of all 9 exercises with 30 second breaks in-between each exercise and a 60 second break after the each Round.
- Isometric Lunges x10
- Thrusters x10
- Reverse Lunge Upright Rows x10 (each leg)
- Plank Rows x10
- Pull Downs x10
- Diamond Tricep Push-Ups x10
- Tricep Dips x10
- Medial Deltoid x10
- Hammer Curls x10
By combining compound full body exercises with exercises that isolate one muscle group with dumbbells executed back to back, you challenge your muscles in new ways and see results faster. After you finish the first Round take a 60 second break, hydrate, and then get going on the 2nd Round, then the 3rd Round.
I promise YOU, you will feel the effects of this workout for days afterwards as all of your muscles have been fatigued. Your whole body will be thanking you as you see improvements in strength, tone and definition.
Give this workout a try and I guarantee you’ll be hooked on the challenge and results. Are you ready to commit to a fully invigorating and effective full body session? Let’s do this!!

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