Recipe of the Day (#ROTD)

Roasting is one of the easiest things to do producing very healthy results. Spaghetti squash is no exception, and is the best substitute for pasta ever, usually I put the same spaghetti sauce I use for pasta right on the squash it is heavenly.
Pre heat the oven to 400°
- One spaghetti sqaush
- Pyrex pan
- Water
Fill the pan half way up the sides with water. Slice the squash in half and with a spoon scrap out the membrane and seeds then throw them away. Place the squash skin side up and pierce the skin with a fork a few times anywhere you want it doesn’t matter.
Roast 40 minutes until the outside of the squash is fork tender. Take out of the oven and let cool a few minutes then flip the squash over. Using a fork start scrapping and fluffing the strands of the squash until it resembles spaghetti noodles place on a plate top with your favorite sauce or just butter, salt and pepper.
Happy Eating!!