Shred Abs

Workout of the Day (#WOTD)

If you have time for 1 workout during the holidays make it this workout.

The holiday season can be stressful and many times we feel that stress in our backs. If your core is strong you will feel less stress and pain in your back.

In this workout I included planks, which in turn strengthen your whole body not just your abs.

  • Plank Toe Tap x20
  • Full Sit Up Twist x20
  • Hand Release Push-up x10
  • Oblique Twist x20 (each side)
  • Plank Pull Throughs x20
  • Weighted Mason Twist x20
  • Full Sit-Up/Bicycle Press x10

2-3 Rounds of all 7 exercises. If you can only get through 1 round of all 7 exercises, next time you do this workout add in another round.



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