If you are a new gym member or you have never workout at the gym before and you are not sure what exercises to do here is your workout. The gym can be an overwhelming environment for some people, machines, weights, and workout options, it is easy to feel lost. That’s where the Starter Kit Workout comes in- a perfect solution for those who want to get fit but aren’t sure how to navigate the gym.

The Starter Kit Workout provides YOU with a clear, structured plan that eliminates guesswork. Instead of wandering aimlessly from machine to machine, you’ll have a focused routine that guides YOU through essential exercises. Saving YOU time to get going on all of YOUR fitness goals.

The Starter Kit Workout is an excellent choice for anyone feeling unsure about how to start their fitness journey at the gym. With its structured routine, balanced approach, adaptability, focus on technique, confidence-building potential, sense of community, and time efficiency, it provides a solid foundation for newcomers.
Curved Bar (it weights 35lbs on its own you can add weight if you want)/dumbbells/mat (yo gorilla mat if you have that option)
The Workout
3 Rounds of all 9 exercises with 30 sec breaks in between each exercise.
(A Round consists of a series of exercises completed one after another with minimal rest in between. Once all exercises in the Round are performed, you may take a short break before repeating the entire Round).
Start with a weight you can handle move up in weight if you are able to perform the exercise with good form.
- Chest Press 3 x 15 (Meaning 3 Rounds of 15 reps for each Round)
- Plank Rows 3 x 16
- Upright Rows 3 x 16
- Hammer Curls 3 x 16
- Tricep Dips off the bench 3 x 8
- Squats with the Bar 3 x 15
- Alternating Reverse Lunges off the bench 3 x 16 (Holding the weights in each hand which is called a “Suitcase” hold)
- Glute Bridges 3 x 20
- 1 Leg Glute Bridge 3 x 20 with the right leg/ and the left leg.
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