If you are tired of the same routine and looking to energize your fitness journey the Step-It-Up-Core workout is here to transform your AB training.

What are the benefits of doing CORE work?
- Core Strength
- Improved Stability
- Increased Heart Rate
- Variety
- Adaptability
This workout is an excellent way to engage your core while keeping your routine exciting and challenging. Whether you’re at home or in the gym, this versatile workout can be tailored to fit your fitness level and goals.
Dumbbells/YoGorilla Mat
The Workout:
4 Rounds of all 4 exercises done back then take a break after the last exercise. Try doing this workout 2 times per week for optimal results.
- Plank Walks-5 starting with your right arm-5 starting with your left arm 10 total
- Mason Twist x20
- Deadbug x20 (alternating sides)
- Reverse Crunches x15
These are dynamic exercises so your rest in between Rounds can be as long as 1 min 30 secs-2 minutes long. Not any longer than that. It is a perfect workout for anyone looking to enhance their core strength while improving their balance and coordination.