As we begin the month of March, here in Minnesota, we aren’t done with winter yet. In fact, March is our snowiest month of the year. Going through winter in Minnesota is like getting ready for a marathon.
The training/winter days are going to be long and difficult. There will be good days that are a breeze to get through and very tough days when the snowstorms are so bad you can’t leave the house. Thankfully, this year we haven’t had to deal with many below zero days. To a true Minnesotan that is a great winter.

Given that analogy of marathon training I started to train for a half marathon in May.
My running as of the last few months has been very difficult, my body doesn’t want to run it hurts, but my brain tells me different. My brain thinks I’m still 18 and can run 16 miles a day no problem.
I’ve lowered my exceptions for myself, on the days I can’t get in a run because of one thing or another I walk the miles I need to cover for my training instead of a run. I get the mileage needed for my training program it just might not be running and that’s OK.