❤️Granny Camp❤️

My Grandmothers both had groups of friends, that were part of their parishes, that got together almost once a week to sew, quilt, needlepoint, knit or crochet. They had coffee and lunch or just a coffee while they did their projects. My Grandma Kardong’s group got together for over 40 years!! They called the group simply the “Sewing Club”.

I decided it would fun, once a month, to have my friends and their Mothers (kids too) over for a luncheon/projecting/open house type gathering.

I call it GRANNY CAMP❤️.

My Mother Judy can literally do it all knit, crochet and needlepoint so she has taught a few of us to knit. My Best friends Mother Punkin is the needle point expert and taught me to needlepoint last year.

Ironically one of my besties used to paint needlepoint canvas for a darling needlepoint store here in Minnesota called, The Picket Fence. Her sister MaryLouise has painted needlepoint canvas since she was in high school and many of the needlepoint projects we all have worked on have been painted by MaryLouise. Here are just a few of her master pieces.

The luncheon I make is simple, two different soups, popovers, a dessert, coffee and tea. Actually, this is where I can test some of my recipe for the HOB. The set up is buffet style and everyone can stay as long as they want or stop by for a “cup” and a “Chitty Chat”.

Granny Camp is wonderful mellow way to get together, tell stories, learn new skills, chat with friends and share a meal (and a recipe or two).

❤️Love to All From All the Gran Campers❤️


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