This is a full body workout but I divided the entire workout into 3 sections so you can do upper body one day and lower body the next day or lower body and abs or all 3 workouts in one session if you have time. I’ve also included a warm up just in case you need a new warm up or you need a warm up in general.

Workout One Upper Body
6 exercises done with a 30 sec break in between each exercise.
3 Rounds of all 6 exercises.
- Chest Press 3 x10reps
- Plank Rows 3 x 10reps
- Seated Shoulder Press 3 x 10
- Bicep Curls 3 x 10reps
- Tricep Kickbacks 3 x 10reps
Workout Two Lower Body
4 exercises done with a 30 second break in between each exercise.
3 Rounds of all 4 exercises
- Suitcase Squat 3 x 10reps
- Suitcase Squat PULSE 3 x 10reps
- Glute Bridge (no weight) 3 x 10reps (go up to 20reps when you feel ready)
- Glute Bridge PULSE 3 x 10reps
- If you feel ready… go to 1 leg Glute Bridge 3 x 10reps on each leg
Workout Three ABS
4 exercises done with a 30 second break in between each exercise. 3 Rounds of all 4 exercises.
- Slow Crunch 3 x 10reps
- Pulse Crunch 3 x 10reps
- Reverse Crunch 3 x 10reps
- Heels to the Heavens 3 x 10reps
Warm Up
I’ve included a warm up for you to do before these workouts individually or before you tackle all 3 workouts. You can use this warm up before you go walking, running, or biking as well.
I hope you enjoy this series and the workouts prove to be very helpful in your health journey.