Coaches Corner

Featuring Heidi Nelson

I’ve coached people for 37 years in the fitness industry from fitness instructing, personal training and coaching ~ new and seasoned runners to race.

In the last year I’ve had the good fortune to coach all 3 in a small group setting at Lifetime Fitness in Eden Prairie Minnesota. The training session is called GTX and we spend one hour focusing on weights and treadmill intervals.

This coaching, along with the other instructing I do at LTF has proven to be incredibly fulfilling to me. As a coach one of my top goals is to inspire and make a positive difference. I feel within this small group setting I’ve helped all of these people enhance their fitness levels and given them confidence towards their fitness goals.

I want to feature some of the people I train to highlight their hard work, their motivation and the tools they use to achieve their goals week after week. I hope they inspire you as much as they inspire me.

Heidi Nelson~I’ve known and trained for 4 years and I can honestly say she has a smile on her face 99% of the time. She works so hard!! She works through injury, bad days and days she isn’t motivated. Her energy makes you smile and puts you in good mood immediately.

Heidi answered a few questions for me~maybe one of those answers inspires YOU!!

1. How long have you been a LTF member:

30 years

2. What helps motivate you to workout:

Knowing that I’m doing something good for myself. I’ve only got this one body and I want to keep it strong!

3. What is 1 tip you can offer someone to start working out:

I like to schedule my workouts for the week and put them in my calendar – if other things come up I try to schedule around my workouts.

4. What sport or activity did you do growing up:

I played tennis from elementary school through high school, which is fun because now that helps me in my pickleball game! 😊

5. What would people be surprised to know about you:

I’ve grown up at Eden Prairie Life Time! I played tennis here starting at age 10, and then after having kids went on to work for Life Time for 10 years. It’s my second home!

6. How do you motivate yourself when you don’t want to workout:

I do my best to remember how amazing it feels when I’ve completed a workout! I’m always grateful for the high it brings!!

I feel privileged to be able to do the job I do but even more to be able to train the people I train.❤️



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