Why would you want to start working out with a beginner no weights workout? Using your own body weight makes this workout completely accessible, you can do it anywhere. You are more likely to do this workout knowing you can do this anywhere.
You get to know how the exercise should feel so if and when you add weights to the exercises you will understand how to execute the exercise properly.
Soft tissue injury is the #1 reason people stop working out. Lets say you advent worked out in a long while, you want to “get back in it” and you go try and emulate the high school workout you did in the weight room…with the same poundage weight you used in high school. That is an injury waiting to happen. Starting slow and smart will keep you coming back and not getting injured. All of this is really what MOTIVATES you to actually “get back into it”.

Yo Gorilla Mat/bench or step/chair
The Workout
3 Rounds of all 4 exercises taking a break in between each exercise for 30 seconds.
- Squats x10
When you squat place your hands in prayer or place them on your hips. Lean back on your heels (be able to wiggle your toes slightly) when you are squatting down and coming up. About half way up from the squat tighten your abs, then when you reach the top of the lift squeeze your quads (front of your thighs).
- Tricep Dips x10
Finger tips face your feet, place the heel of your hand close to your hips. When you bend your elbows think of stretching out your tricep muscles, when you straighten your arms think of squeezing your tricep muscles at the top of that contraction. The triceps are the top back of your arm.
- Push-Ups x10
Start on the ground on your hands and knees then place your knees farther back so you are not the middle of the knee cap but on the top of the knee/very bottom of the thigh. Hands should be shoulder width apart. When you go down and bend your arms tighten your abs and feel your chest stretch and upper back squeeze. When you come up squeeze your chest muscles and squeeze your upper back.
- Reverse Lunge x10 (each leg right and left)
Hands can be at prayer or on your hips. When you step back with the right leg your left leg is bent and you are leaning more on your left heel. When the right leg comes back to neutral your left thigh contracts. Vice versa on the other side.
- Step-Ups x10 (each leg right and left)
Hands are at prayer or on your hips. The foot on the bench or step stays at a 90° angle and you should lean back on the heel of the foot that is on the bench or step.
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