Coaches Corner

Featuring Kim Erickson

I’ve coached people for 37 years in the fitness industry from fitness instructing, personal training and coachin~ new and seasoned runners to race. 

In the last year I’ve had the good fortune to coach all 3 in a small group setting at Lifetime Fitness in Eden Prairie Minnesota. The training session is called GTX and we spend one hour focusing on weights and treadmill intervals. 

This coaching, along with the other instructing I do at LTF has proven to be incredibly fulfilling to me. As a coach one of my top goals is to inspire and make a positive difference. I feel within this small group setting I’ve helped all of these people enhance their fitness levels and given them confidence towards their fitness goals. 

I want to feature some of the people I train to highlight their hard work, their motivation and the tools they use to achieve their goals week after week. I hope they inspire you as much as they inspire me.

Kim Erickson~Kim has trained with me for at least 5 years and in that time she has quietly shown up to train, bringing her A-Game every single time. She is warm, kind and has a smile from ear to ear when she get to the gym. But when we start to work out she puts the hammer down and gets to work. Determined doesn’t fully describe her energy, it’s more of a quiet force that just crushes her workouts all the while exuding grace and elegance.

Kim answered a few questions for me~maybe one of those answers inspires YOU!!

1. How long have you been a LTF member 

Since 2011 

2. What helps motivate you to workout

Every time I leave Lifetime, I feel better than when I walked in. Even if it wasn’t my hardest workout or best effort, I know I’ve done something good for myself and it boosts my energy, attitude and outlook for the whole day. 

3. What is 1 tip you can offer someone to start working out

Find a friend and do it together! The first few years I was a member I would come and workout, but wasn’t really committed to it. It wasn’t until my friend and I started training together that my routine really stuck. Having a partner helps so much with accountability and confidence, especially if you’re new to the club. And if you don’t have a friend to join you – come to a class! There’s so many great people to meet and it really is a community. 

4. What sport or activity did you do growing up 

I was a theater kid! I loved participating in the school musicals and sang in the Concert Choirs in High School and College.

5. What would people be surprised to know about you

I love a good DIY home project! In the last couple of years I have rebuilt our deck, remodeled part of our kitchen and I’m currently working on a wood waterfall foyer table.

6. How do you motivate yourself when you don’t want to workout 

I give myself permission to take it easy if I need to – but I still have to show up. There are many mornings where one of us in the class will say we are just not feeling it that day, but we still came and sometimes those are the days you end up killing it!  And if you ever need energy – Liz always has some to share!!! That’s the magic of synergy in our class – if your energy is down, the group is there to bounce you back up.

I feel privileged to be able to do the job I do but even more to be able to train the people I train. ❤️



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