Coaches Corner Harriet Witt-A miracle

I met Harriet 8 years ago before I went back into the fitness world full throttle.

In 2019 she fell and fell on her neck causing major injuries to her spinal cord.

After slowly losing connection from her brain to left side of her body she went into the doctor and found the injury was worse than they thought.

She had major spinal surgery and came out of it OK but the doctors weren’t sure of her ability to get back to walking, feeding herself much less working out.

However, she eventually not only started walking on her own, feeding herself on her own, she got back into working out.

We rally together at Lifetime Athletic club. The General Manager 2-3 times a week would wheel a stationary bike into the studios for Harriet (Thank you Mike) because at that point she could only bike. Remember they didn’t think she would walk again!!

All the instructors would do anything we could to accommodate Harriet if she got herself to the club.

Harriet has slowly gotten back to her new normal. She has good days, where her brain connects to her body fantastically and bad days where it is hard to connect. She has accepted her life and works within the those parameters. She doesn’t complain, she has a smile on her face everyday and she tries, tries, tries and tries.

We have done 2 interviews now to tell her story and spread the message that you can over come anything if try and you don’t give up. I failed to mention she is 68 years old!!

Don’t give up EVER!!



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