SHE IS BACK FOLKS!! Erin Schindler and I have put together a terrific AB workout for you to do anywhere.
This AB workout targets upper ABS, Lower ABS and the side of your ABS known as your obliques.

Erin is a 2-time Ironman finisher, 10 plus years of a crossfit athlete and a Mother of 2 gorgous daughters. I’m proud to call her one of my BFF’s and fitness partner in crime.
Everyday ABS Workout
2 Rounds of all 7 Exercises with a 20 second break in between each execise.
- Crunches x20
- Crunch pulses x20
- Flutter Kicks x20
- Reverse Heel Lifts x20
- Scorpion heel lifts x20 each side
- Side plank hold 20 second each side
- Side plank hip drop x20 each side
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