Setting specific goals is an essential component of anyone’s successful fitness journey. Without clear objectives, it’s easy to lose focus and motivation. Here are a couple of ways I make goals for myself and others when I’m personal training them.
1st I define my objectives. I identify what I want to achieve no matter how small or big~ I write it all down.
By defining your objectives, you create a foundation for your fitness plan. That could include weight loss, muscle building, improving endurance, or enhance flexibility.
I use the S M A R T criteria to help me.
- S (Specific): Clearly define what you want to accomplish. Instead of saying “I want o get fit,” specify, “I want to run a 5K in under 30 minutes.”
- M (Measurable): Measure your progress. For example, track your weight loss in pounds or the number of push-ups you can do.
- A (Achievable): Set realistic goals based on your current fitness level. If you’re a beginner, a goal of a marathon in a month may be unrealistic, but training for a 5K could be achievable.
- R (Relevant): Ensure your goals align with your overall health and fitness aspirations. If you want to build strength, a goal to improve your squats or deadlifts can be very relevant.
- T (Time-Bound): Set a deadline for achieving your goals. For instance, “I aim to lose 10 pounds in three months” gives you a clear timeframe.
Once you have your main goal break it down using the SMART method and then break it down even farther.
You want to be able to see it on paper and assess how doable the goal actually is and how it fits into your life.
It is completely normal to get discouraged if you don’t meet all your goals right away. Remember new goals equal new habits, new ways to look at things, and new mindsets. That will take time to instill.
One way that helps me hit my goals and my clients goals is to write it down.
Documenting my goals, keeping a record of my workout help me look back when I feel discouraged and see what I have ACTUALLY accomplished not what story my mind is telling me I’ve done.
Stay Accountable
This helps a lot of people stay on track. Either tell your friends & family your goals and keep them updated or get yourself a personal trainer.
Eyeballs on you!! With a personal trainer your form, your progress, and utilizing their knowledge to help achieve your goal, help you so much.
Last But Not Least~Celebrate YOUR Achievements
I believe we do not do this action enough and it is VITAL to achieving your goals.
Celebrate your milestones, NO MATTER HOW SMALL!!
If you went up in weights size during a strength class, look in the mirror when you get in the car, to leave to the gym, and high five yourself. Sounds silly but high five-ing is built into your nervous system as a celebratory response. Your body will recognize it and connect the gym with positive/celebration. Do this with any achievement so you can associate the journey of achieving the goal with a positive action. It will keep you coming back to the gym, or whatever new habit or goal you are working towards.
HAPPY NEW YEAR now go get after your dreams.
❤️Elizabeth & the HOB Crew