Workout of the Day (#WOTD)
This is a terrific Butt Kicker of a workout.
You have a 1 minute power move (called a Devils Press) in between each exercise. This workout will hit every muscle group and the (HIIT/high intensity interval training)metabolic kick comes from throwing in that power move and executing it for 1 minute.
- Devils Press 1 minute (use heavy weights if you can if not it is no big deal just use body weight)
- Chest Press x15
- Devils Press 1 minute
- Glute Bridge x15 (heavy weights)
- Devils Press 1 minute
- Arnold Press x15
- Devils Press 1 minute
- Tricep Dips with a knee drive x15
- Devils Press 1 minute
- Bicep Curls x15
- Devils Press 1 minute
Good Luck this is hard one folks.
The Workout Attire:
The Mat: