Full Body Workout

Workout of the Day (#WOTD)

Here you go.

A full body workout that is packed with super sets and snuggled in between the super sets are power moves.

A super set is 2 exercises done back to back with no break in between. Take a break then add the power move in…take a break and go to the next super set.

  • Push-Ups x15
  • Chest Press x15
  • Walk Out Burpee to Mountain Climber x10
  • Shoulder Press x15
  • Upright Row x15
  • Mountain Climbers x10
  • Renegade Row x15
  • Wide Arm Push-Up x15
  • Plank Hold 30 seconds
  • Tricep Dips x20
  • Tricep Kick Backs x15
  • Bicep Hammer Curls x20

2 Rounds of all 12 exercises going up in weight in Round 2 if you are executing proper form in Round 1. Also in Round 2 try and hold the plank for 1 minute.



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