Western looks might be outside of your comfort zone but where there is a will, there is a way.
I love a clean lined chic western look but I don’t live on ranch or ever plan on it. So if I decide to wear that “look” I try and make it my own. My personal look is the preppy/hipster look so tying that element of myself into a slightly different look makes me more comfortable wearing a slightly different style. The Montana Midnight look I created especially to bring those two looks together seamlessly.

I styled a high end pair of low ankle cowboy boots from Christian Louboutin with an incredible new black jean from Mother denim (with the new crop step hem), a wide brim hat from Lack of Color, a over sized red plaid shirt from Target and finally finishing off the whole look with long faux leather shearling coat from Grungemama created a casual clean lined sophisticated western chic look.

Remember when you want to wear a new look start small add a few new pieces of that “new look” into your existing style.
I wear these new Mother jeans with my everyday golf shirt but just by changing out the shirt to a western plaid shirt and adding a semi western hat my look went from preppy to western.

Most importantly be CONFIDENT when you change up an element of your normal outfits.
If you love the new piece wear it with conviction. ❤️
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