Workout of the Day (#WOTD)
Happy Monday morning, here is a workout you can do anywhere. I’m using a Reebok Step but you can use a chair, a bench, or the benches you use for chest press. Lots of power moves in this workout so drink plenty of water and take a 20-30 second in between each exercise.
If you don’t have an exercise resistance band here is a link to buy one on Amazon (tap)

3 Rounds of all 6 exercises. If you don’t have a resistance band don’t worry the exercise is hard enough on its own.
- Burpee 1 arm shoulder press x15
- Front lunge shoulder raise x15 each side
- Tricep knee drive x20
- Tricep kick back x15 each side
- Banded sumo squat hammer curl x20
- Banded lateral lunge x15 each side
When doing the front lunge shoulder raise use lower weights/always be careful of shoulder exercises so you strengthen rather strain. Remember take a break after each exercise for 20-30 seconds.