EMOM Workout

EMOM stands for “every minute on the minute.” It’s a high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout where you perform a set of exercises every minute on the minute for a designated period of time.

Choose 2-3 exercises set the timer for 1 minute perform the designated amount of reps for each exercise and rest during the remianing time in the minute.

For example: 10 DB Swings/10 lateral raises/10 squat to shoulder press if that takes you 30 seconds you have another 30 secs of rest before you move on to the next group of exercises.

3 Rounds of 3 sets of exercises = 45 minutes

  • KB Swings x10
  • Squat to Shoulder Press x10

Next group of exercises

  • Lateral Raise x10
  • Burpee Jump x10

Next group of exercises

  • Full Sit-Ups x10
  • DB Row x10
  • Squat Jump x10

Increase calorie burn, imporve conditioning, keeping the heart rate elevated through short bursts of exercises.



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