Beginner Upper Body Workout

I don’t care if you feel too old to start a workout routine. I don’t care if you had past injuries. I don’t care if you have never worked out in your life.


This beginner upper body workout is DOABLE.

4 exercises done in 3 Rounds (meaning 3 times through all 4 exercises) and you will be one step closer to either being in the shape you want to be in or be one step closer to old age freedom and independent living.

I’ve been a part of the fitness industry since 1986. I learned very fast that it was an egotistical industry and revered youth. Many times I had to learn to keep my ego in check and or throw out my ego completely. There has always been someone in better shape than me, taller than me, stronger than me, someone who had better knowledge of the science than me, but what I learned long ago was there was only 1 me. No one else could teach like me, train like me, care like I did about my clients or help people like I could. Now that I’m 57 years old I feel stronger, smarter, and way more knowledgable about the entire scope of this industry and how to help to people. The number one thing is just start. Start, stop talking about starting, planning on starting, fearing starting, just start.

Get moving and get moving now!!

Start today and do this workout for your upper body. Your upper body does so much more than you think and when it is strong your life is that much better.


Chair or bench

The Workout:

3 Rounds (3 times through all 4 exercises) with breaks for 30 seconds in-between each exercise and each Round. During the 30 second break take sips of water to stay hydrated and loose.

  • Tricep Dips (heel of the hand goes on the end of a chair or bench), (make sure your hands are close to your thighs) x10 reps (or dips)
  • Shoulder Taps 1/2 plank (on your hands and the tops of your knee-not directly on your knees-hold your upper body up and take your right hand and touch your left shoulder and then your left hand and touch your right shoulder) x10 reps (or ten times)
  • Standing Chest Press (open the hand when your arms go back and close the hands when the arms go forward) x10 reps
  • Arm Circles (circle the arms with no weights forward x20 times and backwards x20 times) x20 reps forward circle/ x20 reps backwards circle

Once you feel comfortable completing this workout you can start doing this workout with weights and then move on to more difficult upper body workouts. Your body will be stronger, your confidence will be stronger, and you will feel spectacular.


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