New Years Resolution Time!! By Erin Schindler

It’s that time of year again to set our resolutions for 2024.

Many of us will just discard the past year and very happily will move on to a fresh start on January 1st .

I do want to challenge you however to do an inventory of 2023 and write down all your blessings in 2023 and everything that you were grateful for in 2023.

I know most of us face difficulties in every passing year, but instead of bringing that negativity
into the new year, let’s bring gratitude instead! Daily gratitude is one way to ensure that 2024 is the
best year yet!

Another challenge will be to set an alarm on your phone every day with an alert to write
down 3-5 things that you are grateful for. Better yet, get a gratitude buddy and text each other every
day your gratitude lists.

Next are the resolutions or what we want to accomplish in 2024. Before we do that, let’s reflect on
how we met our goals in 2023. Do you remember your goals for 2023? What did you set out to do?
Most resolutions are set around weight loss, healthier diets, exercising, improving finances, quitting
smoking/drinking or spending more time with family and loved ones. If you met your goals this year,
give yourself a huge applause! 80% of people will fail on their resolutions by February! How do we
ensure we don’t do that?

First, make your goals clear. Ask yourself where the goal comes from. Why is this goal important and
how will it influence your life? If you can’t answer these questions, trying to reach it may create
confusion and distance between your goal and your aspirations. Make sure that what you want to
accomplish aligns with who you are and where you wish to be.

Secondly, try not to get overwhelmed. Change is hard. Starting is even harder! Don’t pressure yourself
as you will be more likely to give up. Speaking of pressure, don’t let others pressure you either. We can get overwhelmed trying to see the whole road ahead of us. Instead, focus on just one day at a time.

Third, know you may get discouraged. Maybe you won’t see progress fast enough? Try and see the
progress you are making, instead of the progress you THINK you should be making. Progress, not
perfection. Don’t abandon the process just because you are not where you think you should be. Know
that there will be days when you must get back up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. Give
yourself grace and mercy. Change is a process. It will not happen all at once.

Lastly, consider whether you are ready to change. If you are setting goals for yourself, on some level
you are hungry for something different in your life. Something better! But if we fail to consider the
what, when, where, and why of our change, it may lead us to always finding an excuse not to start or
not to stick with it. That doesn’t mean that our goals and aspirations aren’t aligned with who we are, it
just means we may not be ready at this particular time.

Enjoy the process. Believe that you can accomplish whatever it is that you set out to do. Bring your
gratitude and love into 2024. Know that this will be the best year yet.
A very happy, happy New Years to you all!


  1. Nancy says:

    Very well said, Erin. Thank you for the insights and perspectives!

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