Workout of the Day (#WOTD)
Here we go people LEGS!!
Strong/Lean/muscular LEGS!!

3 Rounds of all 6 exercises DO NOT take break in between each exercise.
- Lateral lunges jumps x10
- Alt shoulder raises reverse lunge x10 each side
- 1 arm burpee x10
- Squat thrusters x20
- 1 arm burpee x10
- Lateral lunges 3 jumps x10 each side
Start with small to medium weights and go up with each Round. Take a break after all 6 exercises are complete/drink water and after 30-40 seconds get back at it.

If you need a warmup to do before this workout click the link.
Tops: Lululemon Free to be Wild sports bra
Shoes: Saucony Endorphin Shift 3